This month TransAct celebrates its 25th anniversary. Looking back, I see that in 25 years much of how we do business has changed, but much still remains the same. TransAct’s mission to find new efficiencies for customers who rely on older technologies is one thing that remains the same.
Unfortunately, TransAct’s celebration has, like most other things in the world today, been hi- jacked by the current pandemic crisis. Just when we all thought that we would be emerging from the long dark tunnel into the light, things are getting much worse again.
While over the last 18 months we have seen that the old way of working from our central offices is no longer sustainable, we have also seen that working from home on endless Zoom conferences without face-to-face human contact has addled creativity and hobbled our problem solving abilities.
All of the shiny new technologies that have enabled us to weather the crisis have also mired us is a swamp of dysfunctionality. Something needs to change, but first the virus needs to be defeated or at least tamed. For this we all need to double-down and be more on our guard than ever.
Once we do get out of this tunnel, clearly some hybrid of on-site and remote work will need to be invented. I feel confident that TransAct will have a part to play in making the hybrid work.
Until then, get vaccinated mask-up and be safe. There is no room for complacency.
TransAct Inc. CEO Aaron H. Furman
今月8月21日、にTransActは25周年を迎えました。振り返ると、この25年の間に私たちのビジネスのやり方は様々変化してきましたが、それでも幾つかは古いままのやり方で残っています。「Internet Fax」というサービスを通じて、古いテクノロジーに依存しているお客様のために新たな効率的手法を提供するという私たちTransActの使命は、変わらないことの一つです。
このために、私たちは皆強い決意をもって、これまで以上に注意深く行動する必要があります。 このトンネルを抜けたら、明らかに出勤と在宅勤務をミックスさせて仕事をこなすハイブリッド型の仕事環境が新たな仕事のスタイルとならざるを得ないと思います。
私はTransActが、このハイブリッド型の仕事をうまく使いこなして行ける と確信しています。
株式会社トランザクト 代表取締役社長 アーロン・H・ファーマン